Trending tastes across savory applications

The 2021 Taste Charts predict tastes for the coming year. In the US and Canada, we’ve found five flavor and ingredient themes that are trending in savory applications such as ready meals, soups, sauces and sides. Explore trending savory tastes across North America in our new report.

Trending tastes across savory applications

The 2021 Taste Charts predict tastes for the coming year. In the US and Canada, we’ve found five flavor and ingredient themes that are trending in savory applications such as ready meals, soups, sauces and sides. Explore trending savory tastes across North America in our new report.

View Market Examples

Our interactive version of the report allows you to navigate through the trending flavors and ingredients found across ready meals, sauces, soups and sides, providing retail and foodservice market examples to see the trends in use.