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Discover Our World of Women’s Health

Women are actively researching how to live healthier, happier lives and are self-educating on ingredients and habits to get there. We understand the evolving needs of women’s health and strive to uplift women with science-backed solutions that address these challenges head-on.

We’re Putting The Spotlight on Women’s Health

Women are the bedrock of society. When women thrive, we all thrive.

Oversimplified and Underrepresented

    • Approximately 40% of all fertility issues are due to Hormonal imbalances, with 85% of these linked to specific conditions.
    • On any given day, more than 300 million women worldwide are menstruating, with 80% experiencing period pain at some point.
    • 80% of mothers will stop breastfeeding before they want to.
    • By 2025, as many as one billion women worldwide will by experiencing peri-menopause or post-menopause. This represents 12% of the population.

Taking Back Control

More women than ever are choosing to take their health into their own hands, with 75% of female consumers stating they are adopting a long-term approach to health.
As a result, the valuation for the Women’s Health market is expected to reach $60 billion by 2030.

Good for Society. Good for All.

When we consider the impact of closing the gap, we are not just talking about women’s lives but those of the people we love, our communities and the world at large.
Investments addressing the women’s health gap could add years to life, and life to years, potentially boosting the global economy by $1 trillion annually by 2040.
Women Health
Women Guide

The Kerry World of Women’s Health

How we’re addressing Women’s Most Pressing Health Challenges
This comprehensive reference research offers a deep dive into the unique health issues facing women at every life stage, serving as a valuable resource for those interested in Women’s Health.
From Family Living to the Hormone Life Cycle and Healthy Living, our Kerry World of Women’s Health research explores our full spectrum of pioneering solutions.
Discover how we are shaping the future of women’s health and setting new standards for health innovation.

Inside the World of Women´s Health

The Hormone Lifecycle
From hormonal balance to improving the symptoms of menopause, our ingredients support women across the hormone lifecycle.
Healthy Living
Whether it’s skin health or stress management, we support women’s general health and well-being across all life stages.
Family Living
We have a range of science-based solutions to support women throughout their journey into motherhood.

Our Expertise. Your Advantage.

We are radically rethinking the supplement space, with women’s health as a driving fact
By combining premium, clinically-studied ingredients with our unmatched ingenuity in taste, we’re creating pioneering health and wellness solutions that blend the very best of science, sourcing and sensory
Backed by our rich history of forward-thinking development and innovative research, we are bridging the gap in women’s healthcare and empowering women through health and wellness.
Let’s partner together and drive impact in Women’s Health.