­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Beyond the Label White Paper | Kerry

Beyond The Label

The Clean Food Revolution

Introducing proprietary Clean Label research from Kerry

Request Your Dessert Flavour Samples

Dessert flavours for the festivities

With increasing disposable incomes, consumers have been spending more on indulgent foods such as bakes and sweets. As a result, new flavours have come into focus. Globalised young adults’ desires for novel experience have resulted in a lot of culinary innovation. Complex flavours from global desserts such as tiramisu and cheesecake have been transformed and infused into a whole range of new applications. In line with these trends, we’ve created a unique assortment of 16 flavours – The Dessert Toolbox. It is a set of 8 ethnic and 8 western flavours to help you go to market quickly and win over customers.

Flavor Toolbox

A comprehensive study on the Clean
food revolution in America.

Here's what you'll get:

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Clean Label

Consumers believe food should deliver on the promise of simple, clear, and trusted food.

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Claims Driving
Clean Label

Understand what claims matter most to consumers…and which are less important.

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Ingredients -
No Villains

Get an in-depth view of consumer reaction to 54 no-no ingredients such as nitrates and nitrites.

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Barriers to Clean
Label Growth

Learn what primary stumbling blocks consumers articulated as barriers to to Clean Label growth.

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Different Worlds of
Clean Label

Find out what attitudinal and behavioral differences exist between Millennials and Boomers.

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How can you embrace the Clean Label trend as it continues to grow? Research on how to invest in Clean Label innovation and renovation.

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Consumers Want Three Things from Food

Consumers believe Clean Label will ultimately deliver on three dimensions — ingredients, nutrition, and sustainability. This represents an opportunity for companies who can offer consumers clear information about what Clean Label is and align their products and practices with the demand for healthy, nutritious ingredients, and sustainability.

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